![]() 展会信息服务有限公司是一家拥有深厚本土背景和丰富海外运作经验的专业化服务企业。我们致力于 为客户提供各种类型、各种规格活动的全方位解决方案,从组织、策划到管理、运营,我们以专业的精神 打造一站式服务平台,在各个层面上帮助客户获得成功。 Grand Events Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (GEM) is a specialist events management agency offering one-stop service of event management and implementation with extensive experience of working with international companies. We work on large campaigns as well as individual projects for clients, covering a wide spectrum of business sectors, from engineering and IT to retailing and consultancy.
我们的使命是通过其广泛的国际网络以及对中国市场的深入理解,帮助客户扩大境内外交流与合作 ,树立并提升企业形象,捕捉最有价值的商业机会,了解国际市场趋势和建立国际商务网络。 GEM is committed to delivering informed, event-savvy PR service based on superior industry knowledge and an in-depth understanding of the China market. Our aim is to act as a trusted extension of our clients’ PR departments, producing results that directly and positively impact on our clients’ business objectives.
我们拥有高效率的国际化管理团队、的活动策划专家、强大的商务接待团队、经验丰富的创意 人员、广泛的媒体关系资源以及迅速准确的执行能力,是与客户间的充分无障碍沟通,并最终完美诠释客 户意图的信心保证。 We believe that the quality of the GEM executive team, of the people actually available to service our clients' business, is exceptional by any standards. Each account team member has a clearly defined role that is transparent to clients. Clients always know who is actually doing the work and communicate much better with GEM. |